An update from the ACT Safeguarding in Sport Team.
The Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework
As you will have seen in previous updates, we have developed a framework of safeguarding best practice for sports and activity organisations.
We have piloted it with four organisations – Lawn Tennis Association, Rounders England, Kent Sport and North Yorkshire Sport. We are now ready to book new organisations in to complete it.
Over the next 18 months we will be prioritising Sport England and UK Sport funded NGBs and Active Partnerships to complete the framework. Non-funded organisations are welcome to use the categories and examples of evidence to help them to shape their planning of safeguarding adults. You can find the evidence checklist here.
We will be evaluating the effectiveness of the framework with a view to making any changes necessary to make it as easy for organisations to complete as possible. We will also be looking to respond to feedback and develop any new resources to support organisations.
The framework is an online tool that you populate and attach documents to. From starting the process, you have four weeks to complete and submit all your information. It is assessed by the ACT team and you then receive notice of your award.
Because we know that organisations have different busy times, we have a calendar for the next 18 months for you to book in when you would like your organisation to start the process.
Please get in touch to let us know you would like to book your organisation in, or if you would like to speak to someone at ACT about the framework. Contact us here.
Training for lead safeguarding officers
We have a few spaces on the Safeguarding Case Management Training on September 10th.
This is free to Sport England funded NGBs and Active Partnerships and UK Sport funded organisations. This is your chance to receive expert input from ACT training Associate, Sue Gregory. Sue is a former safeguarding adults manager and shares all her wisdom with the group. Her focus is always on putting the adult at the centre of safeguarding, rather than putting the process at the centre. If you like to debate and use case studies to inform your practice, then this is the course for you.
We’re also running safeguarding for managers training later in the month. This training is open to all organisations and judging by the last session will have a rich diversity of knowledge, experiences and settings. This course is delivered by Lisa Curtis, ACT Safeguarding Adults in Sport Manager. Lisa works across all sectors including sport and activity and is able to make the topic relevant to all participants.
For more information, and to book your place, head here.
New sessions
As a response to requests, we are currently devising two new training courses to pilot. The first will focus on safeguarding adults and mental health. The second will focus on grooming and exploitation. The latter will have input from Small Steps. If any of you heard them speak at the ACT 2018 seminar or the Safeguarding in Sport Seminar this year, you will know that this will be a day to remember.
Keep an eye out on the ACT website and the September Sport Update for more details.
Participant forums
ACT are funded by Sport England to run participant forums. The aim is to get the views from participants about what helps to safeguard them in sport.
We are currently planning the next forums, so if you know of a sport or activity group for adults that you think would like to hold a forum, please get in touch and we can organise one with you.
The two-hour forums offer participants a voice and the information gathered helps organisations to plan their safeguarding adults’ strategy. There is no cost to you other than your time. We even provide the coffee and biscuits!
UK Sport funded post
We have funding to work with UK Sport-funded organisations on safeguarding adults. As part of that work, we have recruited a new part time Safeguarding Adults in Sport Manager.
Look out for their blog introducing themselves at the end of September.
And finally…
The second safeguarding adults week will be held 18-24 November. This year we’ll be working with Local Safeguarding Adults Boards and the University of Nottingham.
Sign up to get details of how you can get your organisation involved.