It’s important that you back up any statements you make with appropriate and relevant evidence linked to the identified theme/criteria.
Below is an example list of evidence that could be supplied for each theme.
Please note that the evidence listed below are simply examples of what you could supply, it is not an exhaustive list. There may be other evidence that you wish to supply but please ensure that you make it clear how it relates to the identified theme/criteria.
Theme 1: Safeguarding Governance Evidence
- Evidence that the Board/ Management Committee has received Safeguarding Adults training.
- Evidence that a Board/Management Committee member has been identified as having responsibility for overseeing Safeguarding (including Safeguarding Adults) on the Board/Committee. Evidence that identified member has received safeguarding adults training.
- There is an EDI lead on the Board/Management Committee, EDI is included in the organisational Action Plan.
- Board/Management Committee minutes evidencing decisions and actions taken by the board in relation to Safeguarding Adults.
- Evidence that Board agendas/minutes are made available and are accessible to all, including the public, for example on website.
- A copy of the organisations operational and annual Delivery Plan that makes reference to the organisations work on Safeguarding Adults.
- Evidence of reports to stakeholders (at all levels) – examples of reports as evidence could include monthly, quarterly safeguarding updates, Annual Reports that include Safeguarding Adults information and statistics.
- Copy of organisation or Board/Committee Safeguarding Annual Report.
- Copy of Safeguarding Adults Action Plan.
- Copy of Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures.
- Evidence showing the organisations Board or Management Committee sign off for the Safeguarding Adult policy, procedures and any action/implementation plans Including allocation of required resources.
- Evidence of 3-year review of Safeguarding Adult Policy and Procedures with clear review date in place, person/s responsible for review and next review date.
- Evidence showing that an organisational Safeguarding lead – and others with responsibility for safeguarding (paid or volunteers)- are in post at all relevant levels across the organisation – and have clear/detailed job descriptions and appropriate training.
- Examples evidencing that safeguarding leads throughout the organisation at all levels are taking appropriate action in relation to abuse and neglect and reporting.
- Examples of methods used by an organisation’s Board or Management Committee to receive updates and monitor Safeguarding Adults.
- Examples of information and data produced for the organisations Board or Management Committee.
- Examples of user and stakeholder involvement, e.g. questionnaires, suggestion boxes, direct feedback, minutes from participant/stakeholder forums or meetings and actions agreed and completed with regards to Safeguarding Adults.
- Evidence that feedback from users and stakeholders is used to identify gaps in Safeguarding Adult practice, policy or procedures and contributes to reviews.
- There is evidence of joined up work regarding the principles of Safeguarding Adults and EDI. Examples of good practice.
- Evidence that demonstrates Safeguarding messages are disseminated, implemented and known throughout the organisation at all levels.
- Copy of the organisation’s Complaints Policy and Procedure and how this links to safeguarding. Evidence of how this is reviewed and implemented throughout the organisation.
- Copy of the organisation’s Anti Bullying and/or Harassment policy, procedures or statement including evidence of how this is reviewed and implemented throughout the organisation.
Theme 2: Implementation of Adult Safeguarding Responsibility Evidence
- Copy of the organisation’s reporting/responding procedure for Safeguarding Adults – Procedural Flowchart.
- Example Reporting/Referral Form.
- Anonymised copies of Safeguarding Adult concerns and referrals made to the organisation.
- Examples of poor practice being identified and reported.
- Example of induction process for staff and volunteers which includes familiarisation with policies, processes and expectations of their compliance with them.
- Good practice examples of how the organisations is implementing and embedding Safeguarding Adults throughout the organisation.
- A copy of the organisations Whistle Blowing Policy. Evidence of how this is promoted and communicated throughout the organisation.
- Evidence that safeguarding adult information is available e.g via: organisation’s website, comms, newsletters, guidance documents, training etc.
- Evidence that the organisation’s EDI Policy is regularly reviewed and reflects the key legislation and key principles of Safeguarding Adults
- Evidence that Code of Conduct for staff and volunteers includes guidance on maintaining professional boundaries. Evidence of how this is communicated throughout the organisation.
- Evidence of templates for risk assessing, evidence of lead involvement, who to escalate to inside and outside of the organisation. Anonymised completed risk assessment that demonstrates link to Safeguarding Adults.
- Evidence that shows the process and procedures your organisation uses to actively encourage people to share their concerns.
- A copy of the organisations Communication Strategy and examples of communication on Safeguarding Adults.
- Examples of stakeholders receiving and using communication and guidance distributed by the organisation.
- A copy of the organisations approach and strategy to Safeguard Adults.
- Evidence the organisation has provided sufficient resource for the plan/strategy
- Evidence of support given to staff and volunteers (following disclosure of abuse or being involved in dealing with a safeguarding adults concern) e.g 1-1 meetings, external peer support (signposting), additional training etc.
- Evidence of policy consultation e.g via surveys, forums, roadshows, conversations used to inform and improve practice.
Theme 3: Training and Staff Development Evidence
- Copy of organisation’s Safeguarding Training Plan/Strategy that includes Safeguarding Adults – approved and signed off by the Board/Management Committee.
- Details of Safeguarding Adults training provided by the organisation to staff and volunteers.
- Copy of records of Safeguarding Adults training attendance for all staff and volunteers.
- Evaluation forms; sample attendance registers.
- Examples of information given to participants re staying safe.
- Evidence that training provided is specific to roles.
- Examples of sign posting information to staff and volunteers.
- Examples of Safeguarding Adult leaflets and guidance produced and who/how they have been distributed and/or examples of information available on website.
- Evidence the organisation is actively providing Safeguarding Adults training.
- Evidence of Safeguarding Adults training within induction programmes (staff and volunteers).
- Methods used to publicise training – website, newsletters etc.
- Evidence of the resources being made available to ensure training takes place.
- Evidence that Training stats are produced and are analysed for effectiveness/to review training.
- Evidence that appropriate EDI courses are undertaken by staff and volunteers to complement Safeguarding Adult courses.
Theme 4: Safe Recruitment Evidence
- A copy of the organisations Recruitment Policy and Procedure which identifies the requirements for positions working with adults and references Equal Opportunity (Equality Act 2010).
- Copy of the organisations Equality and Diversity Policy or statement in relation to recruitment.
- Evidence of Safeguarding Adult principles being applied during the process of advertising and employing staff and volunteers.
- Copies of job/role descriptions and person specs.
- Examples of questions asked during interviews, evidence of checks for gaps in employment.
- Evidence of reference taking and ID checking.
- Examples of job adverts used.
- Guidance produced on roles that require DBS checks.
- Evidence of the DBS process in practice and DBS checks are completed and recorded.
- Where DBS checks are not required examples of self-declaration forms.
- Written process for risk assessing positive DBS disclosures.
- Anonymised examples of risk assessments for positive disclosure which include how the situation will be managed and reviewed.
- Anonymised data base info on tracking who has been safely recruited/checked.
- Example application forms. Examples of recruitment done at all levels of the sport (staff and volunteers).
- Example induction and orientation programme with sign off from manager into the organisation/ club.
Theme 5: Codes of Conduct Evidence
- Copy of the organisations Codes of Conduct (including for staff, volunteers and participants).
- Evidence that Codes of Conduct are included and cross referenced within the organisation’s Safeguarding Adult’s Policy and Procedures, Disciplinary Policy and any EDI Policy and Procedures.
- Evidence that a definition of Position of Trust is stated in Safeguarding Adults policy.
- Evidence to show how breaches of Positions of Trust with an adult/adult at risk are dealt with.
- Evidence to show how the organisations Codes of Conduct explicitly relate to the welfare and rights of adults
- Evidence that Codes of Conduct makes clear that diversity is valued and all adult participants should be treated with dignity and respect.
- Examples of how the organisations Codes of Conduct are implemented, signed up to and upheld by staff, volunteers, members and participants.
- Examples of how breaches of the Coded of Conduct are managed and dealt with.
- Evidence of how a breach of the organisation’s Code of Conduct is identified and reported.
- Examples of promotion.
Theme 6: Managing Safeguarding Adult Cases Evidence
- The organisation can show evidence of a case management process/policy, including the role and responsibility for Safeguarding Adults.
- If the organisation has a Case Management Group – evidence of Terms of Reference, group member role descriptions and recruitment in relation to Adult Safeguarding expertise.
- Anonymised example of managing a Safeguarding Adult case, from referral to close of case.
- Examples demonstrate a person-centred approach when managing Safeguarding Adult cases
- Evidence to support that the principles of the Mental Capacity Act in terms of supporting the adult to make decisions, is understood and acted upon when managing Safeguarding Adult cases.
- Examples of how the organisation provides support for victims, whistle blowers.
- Examples of how the organisation provides support for alleged perpetrators.
- Evidence of statutory involvement when required.
- Evidence of links to external support e.g. Safeguarding Adults Boards, Adult Social Care services, Safeguarding Adult Teams, ACT and other specialist adult support services.
- Evidence of the organisations process of recording safeguarding adult referrals/cases and for storing confidential data.
- Examples of learning from safeguarding adult cases to inform review and development of relevant policies, procedures, processes and practices.
More Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework Resources
Explore our other resources to help your organisation work through and complete the Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework.
Themes and Criteria for The Framework
This is the criteria you'll work towards when completing the Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework.
User Guide for The Framework Portal
This user guide provides you with the information needed to complete the framework via the online portal.
Safeguarding Adults in Sport FAQ
Here we'll answer the common questions you might have about the Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework.