When working through the Framework, you’ll have to submit evidence indicating where and how you meet the criteria for each theme.
Preparation is key.
If you know what to expect from the Framework, you can think about what to consider before you begin the process.
You will find a guide to the sort of evidence you might have to gather in our Evidence Checklist for the Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.
Expand each theme to see the full list of criteria required:
Please note those highlighted in bold are classed as *Essential Criteria
Theme 1: Safeguarding Governance
This means demonstrating that safeguarding adults is embedded at a strategic level within the organisation. It also means ensuring that there is clear leadership from the organisation’s board or management committee to promote and steer safeguarding adults.
1. The organisation’s board/management committee is committed to having a safe culture, demonstrated through good leadership. It is open, transparent and accountable to its stakeholders.
2. The board or management committee monitors safeguarding activity against an annual action/implementation plan and receives regular updates.
3. The organisation has a Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures in place which is reviewed and updated at least every 3 years and approved by the board.
4. The organisation has identified a safeguarding lead officer and a person who deputises in their absence, and they have been appropriately trained for the role.
5. Roles and responsibilities of staff and volunteers in relation to safeguarding adults are clear and followed. This includes influencing and strengthening safeguarding partnerships.
6. The organisation is able to demonstrate that the agenda of safeguarding adults is linked to equality, diversity and inclusion and is being addressed and implemented throughout the entire organisation including affiliated clubs.
7. There is collaboration between the Safeguarding Lead and Equality Lead in the development of the organisation’s Safeguarding and EDI plans.
8. There is a process in place for dealing with complaints.
9. There are policies and procedures in place for preventing and responding to bullying, harassment and discrimination.
10. Stakeholders and participants are involved in helping to set the organisation’s direction and agenda on safeguarding adults, ensuring consultation is fed into the organisation’s operational and delivery plans.
Theme 2: Implementation of Adult Safeguarding Responsibility
This will be your opportunity to demonstrate the actions you take to ensure that adult safeguarding is embedded across your organisation. This means that all staff and volunteers need to understand their roles and responsibilities.
1. There is a clear process for reporting a safeguarding adult concern to the safeguarding lead or deputy, or to statutory services in some situations.
2. Staff and volunteers have access to and are informed of the organisation’s reporting procedures.
3. There is a robust process in place for whistleblowing and the policy is based on a culture that is open and fair.
4. The principles for safeguarding adults informs other policies, processes and guidance including equality, diversity and inclusion.
5. Staff and volunteers are aware of the need to maintain professional boundaries.
6. There are procedures in place to support the individual welfare needs of participants, including developing personal risk assessments where needed.
7.Safeguarding adult policy, procedures and resources are known and visible.
8. An action plan is developed and implemented that identifies the organisation’s approach and strategy to safeguard adults with clear tasks and timescales. This needs to be agreed, sanctioned, and signed off by the board.
9. Support is available for staff and volunteers following a disclosure of abuse.
10. Feedback from stakeholders, on safeguarding adult policy and procedures, is welcomed and encouraged to continually improve safeguarding practice and demonstrate shared ownership.
Theme 3: Training and Staff Development
This will include a commitment to making sure staff and volunteers at all levels have a good knowledge of their safeguarding duties and responsibilities, including knowledge about their policies and procedures.
1. There is an organisational training plan that ensures all roles receive the right level of safeguarding adult training, appropriate to their role and responsibilities.
2. All training is quality assured and meets the objectives of the organisation.
3. Training records are kept and maintained for compliance.
4. There is a process to assess effectiveness/impact of training received.
5. Safeguarding adults training is included in all staff and volunteer induction.
6. Safeguarding adults is threaded through complementary training courses such as equality, diversity and inclusion.
Theme 4: Safe Recruitment
This will demonstrate the responsibilities and expectations for recruiting staff and volunteers is clearly set out, understood and acted upon.
1. The organisation sets out safe recruitment procedures and ensures these are implemented throughout the sport/organisation.
2. Roles that require a background check and the level of check are clearly identified and supported by a clear renewal policy.
3. A risk assessment is completed on all positive disclosure information.
4. Staff and employee induction includes familiarisation of the organisation’s safeguarding adults procedures and expectations upon them.
5. There is a commitment to the legal requirement to referring a person to DBS (or other agency) barred list in relevant circumstances.
6. Safe recruitment processes includes and meets the requirements of equal opportunity legislation and good practice in safeguarding adults.
Theme 5: Codes of Conduct
This will show an understanding of how the organisation’s codes of conduct work and apply in everyday practice.
1. The organisation has in place Codes of Conduct for staff, volunteers, participants and all roles within the sport or activity.
2. All those involved in sport and activity understand their Code of Conduct and have declared to uphold it.
3. Staff and volunteers understand the action that will be taken when a breach of the Code of Conduct occurs.
4. The organisation has guidance in place that details what constitutes a breach of a position of trust with an adult.
5. The Code of Conduct is included and crossed referenced within the organisation’s safeguarding adult’s policy and procedures and any EDI policy and procedures.
6. The Code of Conduct makes clear that diversity is valued and all adult participants should be treated with dignity and respect.
Theme 6: Managing Safeguarding Adult Cases
This will demonstrate the process by which safeguarding adult concerns are received and acted upon, including not only the outcome but also how it monitors and evaluates action and effectiveness.
1.There is a process in place for managing safeguarding adult cases and queries.
2.There are links to national organisations and/or local adult safeguarding boards with a range of information, guidance, templates and good practice examples which help your organisation manage safeguarding adult cases more effectively.
3. Disciplinary action is taken against staff or volunteers who have abused or neglected adults in their care, or otherwise contravened the Code of Conduct, and records are kept regarding outcomes.
4. Information and documents are stored in a safe way and are accessed by identified personnel only in line with data protection legislation and guidance.
5. The organisation ensures they use all available safeguarding information, including learning from managed cases, to monitor and evaluate themes and inform the review and development of all relevant policies, procedures and processes.
6. Adults involved in a safeguarding concern are involved in decision making as is outlined in the Mental Capacity Act.
7. A person centred approach is taken when managing safeguarding adult cases.
More Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework Resources
Explore our other resources to help your organisation work through and complete the Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework.
Suggested Evidence List For The Framework
When working through the Framework, you must submit evidence indicating where and how you meet the criteria.
User Guide for The Framework Portal
This user guide provides you with the information needed to complete the framework via the online portal.
Safeguarding Adults in Sport FAQ
Here we'll answer the common questions you might have about the Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework.