This course will explore attitudes to sexuality and personal relationships and ensure staff have a consistent approach to promoting the rights of those they support to be sexual beings.

Together we will explore appropriate and inappropriate care practices, the importance of establishing positive approaches when dealing with sensitive issues and to be familiar with organisational policy and procedure.

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Who is this course for?

This course is for support staff in health, social care or related services that delivers frontline support.

This could include:

  • Nurses
  • Carers
  • Support staff
  • Police officers

Aims of Understanding Sexuality and Personal Relationships Training:

  • Exploring attitudes to sexuality and personal relationships.
  • Ensuring staff have a consistent approach to promoting the human right of those they support to be acknowledged as sexual beings.
  • To be aware of the barriers relating to supporting individuals to build relationship.
  • Establishing positive approaches when dealing with sensitive issues.
  • Recognising appropriate and inappropriate care practices.
  • Recognising rights and wishes balanced against risks of safety and abuse.

Understanding Sexuality and Personal Relationships Training will explore the following areas:

  • Personal beliefs and attitudes
    Learning how personal beliefs and attitudes towards sexual relationships and sexuality affect the ways in which we offer support.
  • Human rights and the law
    Acknowledging that information about, and support in managing, sexuality and relationships is every person’s human right regardless of ability/disability.
  • Appropriate and inappropriate care
    Differentiating between appropriate and inappropriate care practices.
  • Policies and procedures
    Building a familiarity with organisational policy and procedure.

Book a course or find out more

To book a course or find out more about how we can help you, get in touch today.