Download our safeguarding adults policy and procedures template for your sports club or organisation.
Safeguarding Adults Policy & Procedures Templates for National Governing Bodies and Active Partnerships
The following documents are Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures templates for your organisation and designed for National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and Active Partnerships (APs).
Safeguarding Adults Policy Template in English (DOCX) Safeguarding Adults Procedures Template in English (DOCX) Safeguarding Adults Policy Template in Welsh (DOCX) Safeguarding Adults Procedures Template in Welsh (DOCX)
Safeguarding Adults Skeleton Policy for Sole Traders, Small Businesses or Groups
If you are a sole trader, small business or constituted group you can now download our skeleton policy and guidance documents.
Safeguarding Adults Skeleton Policy Template (DOCX)Download the relevant supporting guides:
Supporting Guide for Sole Trader Safeguarding Adults Policy (PDF) Supporting Guide for Small Business Safeguarding Adults Policy (PDF) Supporting Guide for Constituted Group Safeguarding Adults Policy (PDF)
Safeguarding Adults Policy Template for Umbrella Sport and Activity Organisations
We also have a safeguarding adults policy template for umbrella sport and activity organisations without CMG responsibility:
Safeguarding Adults Policy Template for Umbrella Bodies (DOCX) Guidance document for Umbrella Body Safeguarding Adults Policy (PDF)Please note: This is a DRAFT policy which is currently out for consultation. If you’d like to share your thoughts, please email Catherine.sykes@nottingham.ac.uk.
Safeguarding Adults Policies and Documents Review Sheet for All Organisations
We encourage all organisations to keep a record of when safeguarding adults policies and other documents were created, adapted or reviewed. This can help you keep organised and ensure that you regularly review your policies and documents.
Safeguarding Policies and Documents Review Sheet TemplateExample Role Description for a Safeguarding Lead
We also have an example role description for a specialist safeguarding lead, to help you appoint a lead for your organisation.
Download the Example Role Description: Safeguarding Lead (DOCX)
Do Our Templates Work for You?
We want our templates to help you navigate through the process of Safeguarding Adults. They should provide you with a roadmap to follow.
We welcome any feedback you have on the templates or any of our resources. We’re happy to discuss any questions you may have. So get in touch!
Safeguarding Audits
Our independent safeguarding audits review your current policies, practices, training and investigations to give you recommendations and advice on how to improve safeguarding in your organisation.
Safeguarding Audits