We are excited to release further details for our 2019 Safeguarding Adults Week.
We would like to thank so many of you for signing up to receive updates and resources about the week so far. If you have not already signed up, it’s not too late!
The team are currently busy working on resources for our 2019 themes, and aim to be in touch with these via email on Friday 13 September.
Book your place on the ACT Seminar and AGM- Thursday 21 November
We are very excited to announce the following details about the seminar:
- Sir Norman Lamb, MP and advocate for the transforming care agenda, will be delivering a keynote on ‘Transforming Care’
- Dr Alison Gardner, named in the UK Top 100 Modern Slavery Influencers for 2018, will be presenting on ‘Recognising modern slavery and exploitation in a social care setting’
- Professor Todd Landman, Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the University of Nottingham and Executive Director of the Rights Lab Beacon of Excellence, will be chairing the seminar
The full programme will be published shortly. We hope that you can join us.
What’s new for Safeguarding Adults Week 2019?
We’ve partnered with The SAB Manager Network and The University of Nottingham. Our aim is to create a time where we can all focus on safeguarding adults – so we can be better, together.
Each day of the week we’ll focus on a different safeguarding theme. Expect to see lots of discussion and resources about the following:
- Modern Slavery
- Self-neglect
- Domestic Abuse
- Transforming Care
- Safeguarding adults in sport and activity
Let everyone know you’re supporting National Safeguarding Adults Week 2019
Download and print your National Safeguarding Adults Week Poster and continue using the hashtag #SafeguardingAdultsWeek.