We are increasing our team of associate trainers. We are looking for safeguarding trainers with a sport or activity background and experience in safeguarding adults to deliver training to the sector.
About the Ann Craft Trust
The Ann Craft Trust is a national charity which is committed to safeguarding disabled children and adults at risk. Through pioneering training, practice reviews and contributing to world-leading research, we support organisations to safeguard children and adults and minimise the risk of harm.
Safeguarding Adults in Sport and Activity is a project funded by Sport England to help National Governing Bodies, County Sports Partnerships, regional partnerships and sport and activity organisations to develop best practice in safeguarding adults at risk.
About the Role
The Ann Craft Trust aims to ensure that every adult can participate in sport and physical activity free from abuse and neglect. Our associated trainers will be responsible for delivering training to the sport and physical activity sector to ensure this is fully embedded and acted upon.
We are looking for people who:
- Have a comprehensive understanding of current safeguarding adults legislation and guidance across England.
- Are knowledgeable on the subject of safeguarding adults.
- Can demonstrate a track record of working with adults and have up to date knowledge of abuse and protection issues adults face.
- Have the ability to travel regionally and to work a flexibly (evenings and weekends may be required).
- Have training or facilitation experience
- Have excellent communication, facilitation and organisational skills.
For successful candidates, we will be running tutor training and course orientation – provisional dates have been set for Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th September at the Ann Craft Trust offices at the University of Nottingham.
How to apply
If you are interested in becoming an associate trainer for the Ann Craft Trust please Download the ACT Safeguarding Trainer Application Form
Email the completed form to ann-craft-trust@nottingham.ac.uk
Deadline for applications midnight 27th August 2018