Nearly 10 years after Winterbourne, we’re still working to transform care. Why is progress so slow?
The situation at Winterbourne View revealed that what goes on behind closed doors often does not reflect the practice we aspire to in policy. You can read ACT CEO Deborah Kitson’s reflections on Winterbourne here. We also have a video concerning the Transforming Care project featuring former MP Norman Lamb, which you can watch here.
A new Home Group paper brings together a range of ADASS partners, including care providers, commissioners and local authorities. All are calling for action to speed up the transforming care process.
The paper outlines a series of recommendations for change:
- Transferring funding from government to CCGs and local authorities, to strengthen community-based support.
- Reviewing housing rights for people in care to strengthen the right to live at home.
- Funding specific housing support programmes.
- Ensuring housing and care providers are directly involved in discussions on hospital discharges.
- Making the process of securing NHS England capital funding more accessible and efficient.
- Increasing the funding availableto local areas to address the workforce challenge across the system.