Based in the Sports Wales National Centre, we’re happy to help in all things relating to safeguarding adults and child protection in sport.
(Want to read this blog in Welsh? Head here!)
The Welsh Sport Safeguarding Hub is staffed by three safeguarding experts: Ieuan Watkins (ACT, that’s me!) alongside Laura Whapham and Cerri Dando from the NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit. We have many years of expertise within child protection and safeguarding adults.
While primarily in place to support National Governing Bodies, we’re are also keen to help anyone who has a safeguarding issue within Welsh sport. In particular, we encourage statutory agencies, including the Police, the National Probation Service, Safeguarding Boards and Social Services teams to see ‘The Hub’ as their point of contact for sport.
You can contact The Hub on 02920 334 975. The office is not staffed 24/7. But there is an answerphone facility, so leave a message if you can’t get hold of us. You can also email us:
What Else is New in Wales?
In April 2019, the Sport Wales Elite Pathway programme received two specialist inputs from myself and Nick Slinn from the Child Protection in Sport Unit. The inputs focussed on the heightened risk within sport, and in particular to elite athletes within sporting pathways.
Every NGB has a duty of care to those within their structure. Having policy and procedures is just part of the safeguarding umbrella. Key to making this safeguarding work operationally is for the people within structures to understand, recognise and respond to concerns.
The CPSU and ACT are now looking at how to provide specialist case management training for the elite pathway.
Free Safeguarding Adults in Sport Training
30th of April saw the first of two Adult at Risk in Sport seminars for Welsh sport National Governing Bodies.
It was a full house, with 23 people from 17 different NGBs attended.
Spaces filled quickly. If you missed out on signing up for this event, we have a further free course arranged for the 5th of September.
Don’t miss out! Spaces are filling fast, so book your spot here.