In 2019, the Ann Craft Trust developed the Safeguarding Adults Checklist.
The checklist enables organisations or individuals to assess their understanding of safeguarding. On completion of the checklist, you can gain access to free safeguarding resources.
The checklist consists of ‘Yes or No’ questions focusing on prevention, recognition, reporting and the recording and reviewing processes.
So far, 450 people have completed the checklist!
Exploring the Responses- Highlighting Good Practice
89% reported that their organisation records safeguarding concerns and allegations.
- 71% of individuals reported that they were confident of recognising the signs of abuse.
- 84% of organisation and individual respondents stated that their organisation they understand what safeguarding is.
- 80% responded that the wishes and beliefs of affected individuals are recognised, considered, recorded and acted upon by their organisation.
- However, for individuals completing the checklist, only 49% reported that they are clear about how to involve the person who may be the victim of abuse
Exploring the Responses- Developing Safeguarding Practice
Only 40% of people reported that staff within their organisation have knowledge of the law in relation to safeguarding e.g. The Care Act, Mental Capacity Act.
Similarly, only 55% of individuals completing the checklist reported that they have knowledge of safeguarding legislation.
- Just 52% of individuals stated that training provided equips them with the relevant skills to understand adult safeguarding.
- Similarly, within organisations, 66% reported that they are provided with ongoing training and development opportunities in response to and relevant to safeguarding concerns that have been raised.
- Only 55% of individuals and 53% of organisations reported that they have access to separate policies and procedures for safeguarding adults and children.
- Just 52% reported that their organisations have a process by which they reflect on safeguarding data and outcomes.
- Only 44% of people reported that staff within their organisation understand the Local Authority thresholds for reporting.
How can you develop your safeguarding knowledge?
- Listen to our Safeguarding Matters podcasts! Our Safeguarding Managers will explain how to interpret legislation such as The Care Act and Mental Capacity Act.
- Read our advice about why it is important to have different polices for safeguarding adults and children.
- Sign up to our safeguarding bulletin to receive the latest safeguarding news.
- Book the Ann Craft Trust to deliver bespoke training to meet the needs your organisation.
- Complete the Safeguarding Checklist.
- Get in touch to find out more!
The checklist was developed as part a wider campaign funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the National Lottery. For further information on the project, follow #SafeguardingAsOne on Twitter.