Listen to our Safeguarding Matters podcasts
We’ve called it “Safeguarding Matters”, for two reasons. First, we plan to discuss all things safeguarding. Second, safeguarding certainly does matter!
In each episode your host, Nicola Dean, will meet with a special guest to chat about some aspect of safeguarding.
Do you work in safeguarding? Whether with adults, children, or in sport, we’d like to hear from you! If you want to appear on our podcast to bring light to an issue close to you, get in touch.
Episode 39: Creating More Inclusive Cultures in Sport
ACT and Disability Sport Wales discuss how creating an inclusive Culture within your organisation can help achieve best practice in safeguarding.
Episode 38: Working With Parents With Learning Disabilities
Sarah and Nadine discuss the new Good Practice Guidance for Working With Parents With a Learning Disability.
Episode 37: Domestic Abuse in Sport
This is an exploration of how sport clubs and organisations can support people who are experiencing domestic abuse and coercive control – whether they’re children or adults.
Episode 36: The Role of Safer Recruitment in Creating Safer Cultures
Joanne talks with DBS and RFU about how safer recruitment can help create safer cultures.
Episode 35: ACT Patron Sir Roger Singleton CBE on Safeguarding Adults
Nicola talks to ACT Patron Sir Roger Singleton CBE about his career in safeguarding.
Episode 34: 84SilenceNoMore – Addressing Male Suicide Rates
Samyak helped set up the 84SilenceNoMore project while still at secondary school. Having learned that 84 men a week lose their lives to suicide, Samyak and his friends decided to do something.
Episode 33: Safeguarding in Esports with Fnatic
How can we meet emerging safeguarding challenges in a sector that’s still growing, where the mindset is largely anti-authoritarian and naturally suspicious of rules and regulations?
Episode 32: Working With Neurodiverse Children With Special Education Needs and Disabilities
Sarah Martin-Denham, a senior lecturer at the University of Sunderland, has led numerous research projects on school exclusion and children’s social care. She’s worked closely with neurodiverse children, and those with special education needs and disabilities. She feels that the educational system can often misunderstand these children, and as a result they can face criticism for their behaviour.
Episode 31: Safeguarding Adults in Unregulated and Unaffiliated Sport and Activity
Nicola chats to Catherine Sykes, ACT’s new Safeguarding Adults in Unregulated Sport Officer. Catherine begins by explaining just what we mean when we say “unregulated sport and activity”. She also explains what we mean by “unaffiliated”.
Episode 30: How Active Partnerships Can Help Communities Enjoy the Benefits of Physical Activity
Active Cumbria discuss their mission to help the people of Cumbria become more physically active in their daily lives.
Episode 29: Safer Culture Safer Sport
Nicola chats with the ACT Safeguarding Adults in Sport team about the Safer Cultures, Safer Sport Campaign. The team discuss what we mean when we talk about “safer cultures”, and how such a culture can help prevent abuse.
Episode 28: Jess Phillips MP and the Domestic Abuse Bill
After years of work, Jess Phillips MP finally got the new Domestic Abuse Bill passed. She talks to Sarah about the challenges she’s faced along the way, and about the many “names written in invisible ink” throughout the bill.
Episode 27: Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control
Sarah Goff talks to safeguarding specialist and author Catherine Lawler about domestic abuse and coercive control. Catherine talks about her mothers’ long experience of domestic abuse, and how this abuse affects the physical and mental health of the whole family. Her story is harrowing. But Catherine has lots of useful advice for any families or individuals suffering from abuse in the home.
Episode 26: Staying Safe Online
Nicola talks to social worker and safeguarding consultant Ann Marie Christian about the risks of adult grooming, and the importance of hearing untold stories.
Episode 25: Safeguarding in Premier League Football
Nicola chats to Sally Ann Bolton, Safeguarding Consultant at The Premier League, and Lisa Carter, Head of Safeguarding at Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club. They discuss how the six principles of safeguarding work at Premier League level. The Premier League is a regulating body, and their safeguarding team is there to ensure that anyone can enjoy football in a safe and healthy way.
Episode 24: Safeguarding in British Wrestling
Nicola talks to Lucy Cave, Head of Communications for Progress Wrestling and Nona Mirana, a Safeguarding Officer within British Professional Wrestling. They discuss the specific safeguarding concerns that exist within the world of professional wrestling. They also talk about the #SpeakingOut campaign, addressing allegations of sexual misconduct in British wrestling.
Episode 23: The Vulnerability of Elite Athletes
Elite athletes might not always meet the criteria for being an adult risk. But that doesn’t mean they won’t find themselves in situations that could put them at risk.
Episode 22: Lockdown, Article 8 and the Human Rights Act
Lockdown has obviously interfered with Article 8 of the Human Rights Act. The government would argue that they’ve compromised individuals’ human rights for the right reasons. But who makes these decisions?
Episode 21: Safeguarding and the RYA
Katie and Andrea discuss the challenges of designing and implementing safeguarding policies and procedures. They also discuss some of their plans for making safeguarding more relatable for people involved in sailing sports and activities, including their “What To Do If You’re Worried” resource.
Episode 20: Sibs – Supporting the Brothers and Sisters of Adults and Children with Disabilities
Nicola chats to Linda Owen, the resident “agony aunt” from the Sibs charity.Sibs supports siblings who have a brother or sister with a disability, SEND or long-term health condition.
Episode 19: The Warm and Welcoming Community of Flyerz Hockey
In this episode of Safeguarding Matters, Nicola talks to Francis Bridgeman, the head of Tunbridge Wells Flyerz.This is a hockey club for people with physical or learning disabilities or difficulties. Francis first launched the club in 2017. Five or six people turned up to the first session. Now the club has around 25 members, and the whole thing feels like a close-knit family.
Episode 18: Five Years of Safeguarding Adults in Sport
Joanne Pell talks to Nicola Dean about her first five years as ACT’s Safeguarding Adults in Sport Manager.
Episode 17: Children, Young People and Families During Covid-19 Lockdown
Nicola Dean talks to ACT Safeguarding Young People lead Sarah Goff about how children and young people with learning disabilities, and their families, have managed during lockdown.
Episode 16: Predatory Marriage
Lisa Curtis talks to Daphne Franks, Communication Skills Teacher at Leeds Medical School, about Predatory Marriage. Lisa and Daphne discuss the definition of Predatory Marriage – a term that may be unfamiliar to many. Daphne then tells her story, and offers some advice for anyone who might suspect that one of their relatives has become a victim of Predatory Marriage.
Episode 15: A Chat With Charlotte Gilmartin About the Pressures Elite Athletes Face
Winter Olympian Charlotte Gilmartin talks to Nicola Dean about the considerable pressures of performing at an elite level. Charlotte talks about how the “hunger” of being an elite athlete makes happiness and contentment effectively impossible. The constant pressure to be your best is not conducive to mental and physical wellbeing. Often, the drive to win can directly contradict the six principles of adult safeguarding.
Episode 14: ACT & The CPSU
Nicola chats with Nick Slinn from the CPSU, and ACT CEO Deborah Kitson about a long and fruitful partnership. ACT and the CPSU have been working together for some years now to help spread awareness and best practice about safeguarding in sport. Here they talk about how the partnership came to be, before exploring why the work they’re doing is so important. They also spend some time discussing what the future might hold for this partnership.
Episode 13: Safeguarding Elite Athletes In Sport
Nicola Dean talks to our new Safeguarding Adults in Sport Manager Kimberley Walsh – who’s here to focus on safeguarding elite athletes in sport. Kimberley’s a former elite athlete, so she’s well-placed to lead this new project. In this podcast, she talks to Nicola about her background and her plans for her role. She also explains the difference between Sport England and UK Sport.
Episode 12: We Matter Too!
In this episode of Safeguarding Matters, Nicola talks to Safeguarding Children & Young People lead Sarah Goff about the project. Sarah talks about how the project came together, and also shares some of the key insights from the report.
Episode 11: Applying the Six Principles of Adult Safeguarding to Sport and Activity
In this episode of Safeguarding Matters, Nicola Dean and Laura Thorpe explore The Care Act in a sport and activity context.
Episode 10: Disability and Hate Crime
In this episode of Safeguarding Matters, ACT Safeguarding Adults Lead Lisa Curtis talks to Buse Ucanlar, a University of Nottingham Politics and International Relations student.
Episode 9: Safeguarding in Sport Participation Groups
In this episode of Safeguarding Matters, ACT Safeguarding Adults in Sport Manager Nicola Dean chats with Anne Patterson and Tina Thordal about Safeguarding Adults in Sport Participation Groups.
Episode 8: Safeguarding Disabled Young People
In this episode of Safeguarding Matters, your host Nicola talks to Sarah Goff, the safeguarding young people lead at the Ann Craft Trust.In this podcast, she argues that we must pay attention to young people’s voices, views and experience when shaping safeguarding policies.
Episode 7: Forced Marriage of People with Learning Disabilities
In this episode of Safeguarding Matters, Nicola talks to associate professor Rachel Clawson about the forced marriage of people with learning disabilities. They discuss why forced marriage might happen, and why people with learning disabilities are particularly at risk.
Episode 6: Making Safeguarding Personal
In this episode of Safeguarding Matters, Laura Thorpe talks to ACT’s adult safeguarding lead Lisa Curtis about Making Safeguarding Personal. They explore the thinking behind the concept, and talk about how these principles might work in practice.
Episode 5: Everything you need to know about Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
In this episode of Safeguarding Matters, Laura Thorpe talks to ACT’s adult safeguarding lead Lisa Curtis about DoLS. They talk about situations that could constitute DoLS, and the sort of factors to consider when making a decision.
Episode 4: What is the Mental Capacity Act?
In this episode of Safeguarding Matters, Laura Thorpe talks to ACT’s safeguarding adults lead Lisa Curtis about the MCA. They talk about the key principles of the act, and who it applies to. They also discuss more detailed aspects of the MCA, such as lasting powers of attorney and the need for the “least restrictive” option in every decision.
Episode 3: The Sport & Activity Safeguarding Seminar
After an invigorating day, the ACT safeguarding adults team, Nicola Dean, Lisa Curtis and Ieuan Watkins, came together to reflect on a very successful seminar. We also took this opportunity to welcome Laura Thorpe, our brand new Safeguarding Adults in Sport and Activity Manager!
Episode 2: Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework!
The Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework is an audit tool. It’s designed to enable sports organisations to have their safeguarding policy and practices assessed against a national safeguarding standards framework.
Episode 1: Who Was Ann Craft?
To kick off our new podcast, Nicola spoke to ACT CEO Deborah Kitson. They talk about Ann, her values, and her legacy. It’s a warm chat about the history of ACT and our hopes for the future.