Safer Culture Safer Sport Podcast

We have created a new #SaferCultureSaferSport series on our Safeguarding Matters podcast as part of our campaign to help sport and activity organisations create cultures where welfare, safety and wellbeing is at the heart of values and actions.

Here, we’ve selected all of the #SaferCultureSaferSport episodes where your host, Nicola Dean, will meet with a special guest to talk about the importance of culture in sport. This will include information on what organisations can do to create safer cultures, as well as stories from athletes and sport and activity organisations across the UK.

See all Safeguarding Matters Podcasts.

Episode 7: Building a Culture of Trust in Sport – with The FSA

Cath talks to David Rose, Deputy CEO from The Football Supporters’ Association (FSA) about how important it is to listen to the voices of people who use services, as this helps clubs and organisations truly meet their needs.

Episode 6: How Can the Sport and Activity Sector Create Safer Cultures? – with the CPSU

Nicola chats with Denise Richards from the CPSU following the Learning Lessons to Taking Action conference in January 2022. This podcast reflects on the conference’s themes and key messages from the presentations and workshops.

Episode 5: Creating More Inclusive Cultures in Sport

Nicola and Ruth chats with Fiona Reid and Nathan Stephens from Disability Sport following the online seminar ‘What Makes an Inclusive Culture?’ On Friday 3rd December 2021.

They discuss what we mean by ‘inclusive culture’ and what organisations need to do to create safer, more inclusive cultures by removing labels, permitting authenticity and a person-centred approach.

Episode 4: The Role of Safer Recruitment in Creating Safer Cultures

Guests on this Safeguarding Matters podcast include Cathy Taylor, Engagement Advisor at DBS, and Kath Bennet, Safeguarding Case Manager at Rugby Football Union.

Episode 3: Safeguarding in Esports with Fnatic

Cath Sykes, ACT’s Safeguarding Adults in Unregulated Sport and Activity Officer, chats with Fnatic’s Andrew Cooke about safeguarding in Esports.

In this podcast, Andrew discusses how we can meet these challenges in a sector that’s still growing, where the mindset is largely anti-authoritarian and naturally suspicious of rules and regulations.

Episode 2: How to Create a Safer Culture in your Club

Nicola chats with Lisa Curtis, Deputy CEO at the Ann Craft Trust following the first #SaferCultureSaferSport seminar.

They discuss what we mean when we talk about “safer cultures”, how we know whether a culture is safe and tips to take back to your organisation to help you start to effect positive change.

Episode 1: #SaferCultureSafer Sport Launch

Nicola chats with the ACT Safeguarding Adults in Sport team about the Safer Culture, Safer Sport Campaign.

The team discuss what we mean when we talk about “safer cultures”, and how such a culture can help prevent abuse. They also talk about the three Ls that will help anyone embed a safer culture in their organisation: listen, learn, lead.



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Join the #SaferCultureSaferSport Campaign

We’re asking organisations to commit to focusing on and improving their cultures and the #SaferCultureSaferSport campaign is here to provide you with the tools you need to help.

Join the campaign