Safeguarding Adults Week 2019 Reaches More Than 5 Million

Safeguarding Adults Week 2019

National Safeguarding Adults Week 2019 took place 18-24 November.

For the 2019 National Safeguarding Adults Week, we collaborated with The SAB Manager Network and The University of Nottingham. We aimed to create a time where we can all focus on safeguarding adults – so we can be better, together.

We were overwhelmed by the response we received.

Incredible Reach

We encouraged people to use the hashtag #SafeguardingAdultsWeek to talk about their activity during the week.

Using the Tweet Binder tool, we tracked how that hashtag performed over the course of the week.

So from 18-24 November, there were:

  • 4,658 tweets
  • Which reached 5,638,560 people
  • And were seen 16,980,548 times

Our aim was to create a time where we can all focus on safeguarding adults. We ultimately reached nearly six million people. What’s more, critical safeguarding resources reached nearly 17 million people.

So on behalf of everyone at the Ann Craft Trust, a massive thank you to all who helped us get the word out!

Starting a National Conversation

Individuals and organisations across the country shared their activity on Twitter. We saw pop-up stalls in public places, a wealth of invaluable resources, and some fantastic videos. Many more shared our safeguarding resources, and it all helped to raise awareness of numerous key issues.

For much of the week, the University of Nottingham lit their Trent Building in ACT green:

Safeguarding Adults Week University of Nottingham

The week also coincided with the ACT Annual Safeguarding Seminar and AGM. The day saw engaging talks from a number of expert speakers:

  • Dr Alison Gardner – Recognising modern slavery and exploitation in social care.
  • Sir Norman Lamb – Transforming Care.
  • Professor Anita FranklinWe Matter Too! Findings from research looking at domestic abuse and people with learning disabilities.
  • Catherine Edginton, Senior Safeguarding Lead, The Charity Commission.

SIR Norman Lamb MP ACT Safeguarding Conference 2019


We’ll produce a full summary of the 2019 ACT Safeguarding Seminar at a later date. As usual, we’ll also replicate the day’s talks in our next Quarterly Safeguarding Bulletin. Head here to subscribe.

We Cannot Thank You Enough!

We were quite overwhelmed by the response we received.

So no matter what you did to support Safeguarding Adults Week – whether you put on an event or simply retweeted someone else – we’d like to say a massive thank you.

Safeguarding Adults Week launched in 2018. To go from zero to nearly 17 million views in the space of a year is fantastic. And we could not have done it without you.

We want to make Safeguarding Adults Week 2020 even better! We’d love to hear your thoughts. Let us know what sort of themes you’d like us to cover, and what sort of resources you’d like us to produce. So get in touch!