The 2018 National Safeguarding Adults Week takes place nationwide November 19 – 25.
Safeguarding Adults in Sport Managers Nicola Dean and Marc Scott have prepared this statement to show their support for this inaugural week of raising awareness of safeguarding issues.
The government highlighted in the Sporting Future Strategy that ‘feeling unsafe or excluded from sport is a significant barrier to getting involved in sport and physical activity for some groups’
But what makes people feel safe and included?
The first National Safeguarding Adults Week is a catalyst for the sport and activity sector to raise its knowledge on the issues adults face within safeguarding.
The week will give ideas on how they can work to keep adults safe from abuse and neglect and create a safe culture for everyone participating.
Throughout the week organisations can support and promote the topics themed for each day and share the resources released.
The theme for Saturday and Sunday is Safeguarding in Sport and Activity. This is an ideal opportunity to show a commitment to embedding safeguarding adults in sport.
Let’s really show how sport and activity know that, in the words of the Care Act 2014, ‘safeguarding is everyone’s business’.
Sign up now for updates on how to get involved and let us know what you are doing.