This Girl Can campaign – Latest phase focuses on The Enjoyment Gap

This Girl Can latest campaign phase is addressing the enjoyment gap which finds that men enjoy being active more than women.

Sport England research shows that 2.4 million fewer women than men strongly agree they enjoy getting active – this is what we call the enjoyment gap and this matters because enjoyment is one of the primary drivers of activity.

The campaign which launched on the 28th February is aiming to close this gap and includes new videos and resources which includes four different organisations, Muslim Girls Fence, Goal Diggers FC, Welcome Gym and Black Girls Do Run UK. Each explaining their experiences and introduces the enjoyment gap.

As part of the campaign there is also a new hub  which is designed for any organisation or individual that is delivering on-the ground experiences for women. It offers the latest insight, inspirational materials and practical resources to help them make their activities better suited to the needs of women and girls, and ultimately more enjoyable.

The initiative is calling on partners to focus on four key actions areas to combat this – activities should be:

  • Social (help women feel part of a community) Having a support network or feeling part of a bigger community is integral to making activity enjoyable.
  • Suitable (meet women’s needs) Cater to a communities’ specific needs. Consider cultural and practical requirements.
  • Self-affirming (help women feel confident) Creating an environment where members feel confident and comfortable in their own skin regardless of shape, size or ability.
  • Safe (women must feel physically and emotionally safe when taking part). Creating spaces where women feel emotionally and physically safe, free from harassment and intimidation.

To help support organisations with the “Safe” action plan

Take a look at our safer sport and activity resources which will help you to begin embedding safeguarding in your club or organisation.

Safeguarding in Sport & Activity Resources

If you would like to assess your understanding then complete our free online checklist which will help you begin or refresh your knowledge.

Free Safeguarding Checklist

To support or find out more about This Girl can campaign take a look at their website.