We officially launched our new Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework tool with a lunch event at the University of Nottingham.
ACT CEO Deborah Kitson introduced the proceedings. ACT’s Lisa Curtis and Nicola Dean, who were both instrumental in the development of the tool, gave a presentation to explain what the Framework is, and what it’s designed to achieve.
We also welcomed representatives from some of the pilot organisations who helped us develop the tool. Among the organisations in attendance were Kent Sport, North Yorkshire Sport, the LTA, and Rounders England.
What is the Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework?
The Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework is an audit tool. It’s designed to enable sports organisations to have their safeguarding policy and practices professionally assessed against a national safeguarding standards framework.
The purpose of the Framework is to develop safeguarding adults standards within the sport and activity sector. We hope to establish and promote best practice, and to support continual development.
In attendance was Sport England’s Alex Moore, who also said a few words. Sport England endorse our Framework. It supports the vision set out in “Towards an Active Nation” – that everyone in England, regardless of age, background or ability, feels able to take part in sport or activity.
Want to Complete the Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework?
We’ve created a detailed online hub that’ll tell you everything you need to know about our new online tool.
We’ll be inviting two organisations a month to take part. We will contact you and give you a unique login to our online portal. This will allow you to edit and save your submission until you are ready to submit.
We will create a calendar to book organisations in across the next year. So please get in touch if you’d like to volunteer your organisation.