NHS England established the LeDeR Programme (Learning from Lives and Deaths) in 2017. It aims to prevent early deaths of people with a learning disability and autistic people, while improving their care through reducing health inequalities.
This online webinar acts as an essential introduction to the LeDeR Programme.
The webinar includes Amanda Cresswell, Richard Keagan-Bull & Irene Tuffrey-Wijne, with Professor André Strydom appearing as a special guest. The Staying Alive and Well Group also appear to discuss their work.
This webinar will:
- Explain what LeDeR is, and how it works, using story-telling.
- Show the accessible version of one of part of the 2021 LeDeR report: “How good was the care of people with a learning disability who died?”
There’s also a question and answer session.
Watch for free below:
Learn More About the LeDeR Programme