The Benefits of Attending a Safeguarding Forum

Safeguarding Forum

The Ann Craft Trust facilitates and supports a number of safeguarding forums for those who wish to connect, learn, and seek support from colleagues.

At the Ann Craft Trust, we aim to work with our colleagues to ensure that our forums are a valuable resource for all attendees.

We tailor every forum we run to meet the organisation’s specific needs. However, we also aim to ensure that every forum delivers the same set of benefits to the organisations we support.

The Benefits of Attending Safeguarding Forums

  • Develop subject knowledge and hear about current safeguarding research, issues, trends, and legislation.
  • Share knowledge and insights with colleagues to develop best practice for the sector as a whole.
  • Build relationships by networking and meeting others working in a similar role. Make connections with colleagues who may be able to provide informal support.
  • Provide support and encouragement through discussing some of the more complex and difficult safeguarding issues.
  • Provide a platform to ask questions, challenge practice, and seek advice.
  • Develop confidence and obtain feedback on thoughts and ideas.
  • Learn about the nuances of the sport and physical activity sector. Also find out who’s who in the safeguarding space, for possible future networking.
  • Discuss, brainstorm, and collaborate on projects and tasks.

Safeguarding Forums for Lead Safeguarding Officers

The Ann Craft Trust works closely with The NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit other Sport England and Sport Wales systems partners to provide the following forums: