The Ann Craft Trust fully supports the findings of today’s report into the abuse at Stoke Mandeville Hospital by Jimmy Savile.
In particular The Trust welcomes the call for a wider discussion around the impact of mandatory reporting.
The Ann Craft Trust fully supports the findings of today’s report into the abuse at Stoke Mandeville Hospital by Jimmy Savile. In particular ACT welcomes the call for a wider discussion around the impact of mandatory reporting.
Deborah Kitson, Ann Craft Trust CEO, said:
“We welcomes the report and the issues raised by the findings. We believe that whilst mandatory reporting does have merit it is not the answer.”
“As with all reporting of abuse the key is ensuring staff feel confident in recognising the signs, understand their responsibilities and feel, above all, supported by their managers.”
Whistle-blowers often feel that they become the victim after reporting abuse and we believe that organisations need to instil confidence in their workforce to report actions that could be viewed as abuse.
Deborah Kitson said: “Every organisation needs a strong and robust whistleblowing policy which supports staff and is woven into the culture. This is the real key to stopping abuse and poor practice by staff and volunteers”.
The Ann Craft Trust has over 21 years’ experience of working with organisations and professionals around protecting adults at risk of abuse
Image credit: Jarvis Docherty and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.