Find out more about how you can build a safeguarding adults strategy in your organisation.
Here, we discuss how you can write your safeguarding adults statement of intent, what you should include in your safeguarding adults strategy and how to build your implementation plan.
What is a Statement of Intent?
This is a clear and concise declaration that outlines the organisations commitment to safeguarding individuals and stakeholders of your organisation promoting a safe environment. It serves as a foundational document that reflects the organisation’s values, principles and should be developed and endorsed by those ultimately responsible for safeguarding within your organisation (e.g Board of Directors).
Safeguarding Statement Example from the Ramblers AssociationWhat To Include in Your Safeguarding Strategy?
An organisation’s strategy details a comprehensive and proactive approach to protecting individuals and stakeholders involved in your organisation from harm and ensuring their well-being.
The organisational strategy should be tailored to your organisation’s specific needs and circumstances and provides a on overarching longer-term vision for improvement. Some organisations choose to make this publicly available to demonstrate their commitment and intent.
This document is not to be confused with the operational implementation/action plan which is focuses in on the specifics.
Safeguarding Strategy Example from the LTA (Lawn Tennis Association) Safeguarding Strategy Example from Norwich City FCHow to Build Your Safeguarding Adults Implementation Plan
Actions and task are identified and priorities as an outcome of completing your safeguarding adults risk register. These actions and tasks can now be transferred to an organisational and strategic implementation plan using which ever project software you prefer (e.g excel, word). The implementation plan should provide realistic and achievable targets, with and identified lead person/group and costed accordingly.
Organisation Evaluation and Action Plan Safeguarding Adults Action Plan Example Template