Research Project – Examining Adult Athletes’ Experience of Interpersonal Violence in Sport

Examining Adult Athletes' Experience of Interpersonal Violence in Sport

Dr Paul Appleton from the Institute of Sport at Manchester Met University is conducting research, funded by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), measuring current sport participants’ experiences of violence from their coach and other athletes.

This project invites sport participants to complete a short online questionnaire on three occasions over the next 18 months. The research is in relation to participants from all levels of sport. The online survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete

Specific data in relation to adults experience within sport is limited. This research could provide some invaluable insight that supports all the great work being done in the adult safeguarding space.

How Can I Support This Project?

We encourage you to promote the survey to your participants so that Dr Appleton can get a good data set from which to support his research.

Find out more here.