National Fitness Day takes place on 22 September 2021.
It’s ‘a chance to highlight the role physical activity plays across the UK, helping us raise awareness of its importance in helping us lead healthier lifestyles through being physical active.’
You can learn more about National Fitness Day here.
What is #Fitness2Me?
Looking at the website, it looks like people are organising all sorts of activities for National Fitness Day. I noticed HIIT sessions, yoga “plank-offs” and “dance-offs”.
I felt a bit overwhelmed when I first saw all this. I do yoga and I can do a plank. But I’m not sure how long I can hold it – a few seconds?
Pre-pandemic I used to attend Lindy Hop Swing dance groups and events. I never took part in a ‘dance-off’. But I do remember a few ‘cardi-off’ moments when I sat at the side catching my breath.
Yet as I read on, I liked the concept of #Fitness2Me.
This is “the biggest movement in breaking down the barriers that stop people being active, showing that fitness is for everyone!”
It’s a campaign to encourage people to explain what fitness means to them.
We hope that by encouraging people from all walks of life, activity levels, and interests to share what fitness means to them, it will inspire others to live healthier and happier lives through being active.
If We Make Sport and Activity Accessible and Relatable, More People Will Join In
When I look at brilliant Lindy Hoppers, I can marvel at their skills. But I can’t identify with them. They feel very far removed from my group in a local church hall.
However, when I see someone from a similar group explain a routine, it does make me think that I can give it a go.
Similarly, I loved the coverage of the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics . But could I relate to the athletes? Not really. I admire them I find the coverage very entertaining. But I know I’ll never be a competitive open water swimming. Nor will I ever take part in the Maddison at the velodrome.
But maybe a few lengths in my pool, or a cycle round the park.
This is what makes the Sport England “Undefeatable” campaign so good. It shows ‘real people’ doing activity. There’s no dance-offs, no plank-offs, and no intense HIIT sessions. It’s just people getting on with fitting activity into their lives.
What Does Fitness Mean to You?
I hope that #Fitness2Me highlights more people getting on with activity. I hope it focuses on people that most of the population can relate to.
Being active is a key aspect of wellbeing. It helps us socialise, it gives us a sense of purpose, and it promotes positive mental and physical health. It can even help make us safer, as being part of a club or group reduces isolation. At the same time, organisers and members can offer help and support for issues taking place outside of the club setting.
In my role as a Safeguarding Adults in Sport Manager, #Fitness2Me means clubs and groups creating cultures that promote activity, while putting wellbeing at the heart of it. It means creating a culture where people’s views are sought, valued and acted upon. People should feel able to speak up when things aren’t right. They should also know that they will be listened to.
And for me, #Fitness2Me on National fitness Day means I’ll try to get out of the house and away from the laptop!
Maybe I will practice a few dance moves in my kitchen, or dust off my bike again.