Migrant Help is one of the leading providers of specialist support and accommodation for adult victims of modern slavery, and their dependants, in the UK.
At our 2022 Safeguarding Adults Conference in Nottingham, Migrant Help ran a workshop on how we can respond to modern slavery, exploitation and trauma.
Drawing on their experiences of supporting people impacted by displacement and exploitation, this workshop discussed the various forms of modern slavery and the catastrophic impact this can have on adults.
The workshop explored how practitioners can effectively work with diverse communities who may have experienced trauma, to minimise the risk of future harm and abuse.
What is Human Trafficking?
Migrant Help defines human trafficking as “the modern day form of slavery.”
Human trafficking is the illegal trade in human beings for a range of purposes, including, but not limited to:
- Sexual exploitation
- Forced labour
- Domestic servitude
- Forced criminal activity
- Organ harvesting
Across the world, men, women and children are being held against their will, bought, sold, and transported into slavery.
At the moment, an estimated 40 million men, women and children are victims of human trafficking. That means that there are more slaves in the world today than at any other point in history. And around 25% of these slaves are children under 18.
How Can We Help?
Migrant Help has dedicated casework teams assisting victims in Scotland, Northern Ireland and England.
Their work includes:
- Providing safe accommodation for adult victims and their dependants.
- Facilitating victims’ access to health services and counselling, as well as emotional wellbeing support.
- Providing financial and practical assistance, including help with accessing compensation.
- Liaising with law enforcement, including assistance with acquiring new identification documents.
- Helping victims reconnect with family.
- Support with integrating into the community or, if requested, a safe and supported repatriation.
Migrant Help’s approach is focused on each victim’s unique individual needs. They develop a support plan for every person they work with. Their aim is to provide all-round care that will help victims recover from the trauma they’ve endured.
Yet ultimately, Migrant Help’s main priorities are in reducing the risk of re-trafficking. Their mission is to empower people to gain confidence as they move forward to a new and positive chapter in their lives.
If you’d like to learn more about Migrant Help’s work in fighting modern slavery and human trafficking, you can read a number of survivors’ stories on their website.
You can also contact Migrant Help to learn more about how you can help raise awareness of modern day slavery.