Hi, my name is Kyle Kivaria, I am a second-year law student at the University of Nottingham.
I chose to be part of this organisation because, all too often, safeguarding is seen as a concern only for children. Adults are left to navigate a world that may not always protect them. Their voices go unheard, their struggles unseen, and their rights too easily dismissed.
Safeguarding should not have an age limit. Every individual deserves to live with dignity, security, and the freedom to thrive without fear of harm. The Ann Craft Trust stands at the forefront of this mission. I am happy to support its work.
Through this placement, I hope not only to refine my skills in marketing but to use them as a tool for advocacy. I want to ensure that awareness reaches the right audiences. I want to replace silence with conversation, and ensure that change is not just encouraged, but enacted.
My aim is to contribute in every way I can, using my voice, my work, and my growing knowledge to help amplify the message that every adult deserves safety, respect, and protection.