Cath is the newest members of the ACT team, taking up the role of Safeguarding Adults in Unregulated Sport and Activity Officer.
I am a qualified youth and community worker with over 25 years’ experience working in the voluntary and community sector. I’ve worked with young people and adults, leading on safeguarding, participation and governance.
In early 2021, I made the transition from the youth work sector to the sports sector. I took on the part time role of Lead Safeguarding Officer for Canoe Wales. Since then, I have quickly learned to apply my knowledge and skills to ensure that the governing body and affiliated clubs implement high standards of safeguarding.
In my new position at the Ann Craft Trust, I’ll be applying my knowledge of the unregulated sport sector to develop new resources and material to support those working in it.
My role involves reviewing and developing advice and support in relation to adults as risk in unregulated sport and recreation. I’ll also be identifying, planning and implementing new initiatives.
Over the coming months I plan to build contacts and networks with the unregulated sector. Our aim is to develop a package of support and resources that focus on safeguarding adults at risk.
When I am not working, I love being outdoors and spending time with my family. I run three times a week, belong to the local tennis club and enjoy cycling and walking. I also have an allotment which provides us with lots of fresh vegetables and fruit.
Got Questions or Concerns About Unregulated Sport?
I am keen to develop links and gain an in-depth insight so that we can tailor a package of advice and support for those working in the unregulated sector.
So if you have any questions or concerns regarding safeguarding, please get in touch.