VoiceAbility’s chief executive Jonathan Senker calls for changes to how we commission and plan services.
The CQC recently reported on a culture of abuse at Yew Trees hospital.
Voiceability is one of the UK’s largest providers of advocacy and involvement services. They work to ensure that people have a voice in decisions about their health, care and wellbeing.
Chief Executive Jonathan Senker worked as chair of the committee responsible for developing NICE’s guidance on the service model for people with learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges. This guidance now provides an opportunity for us all to consider how we can make lasting changes to service systems.
Jonathan argues that there’s no better time to remember and implement NICE’s recommendations.
In short, commissioning needs to be based on real understanding of people with learning disabilities who show behaviour that challenges. It must be joined up between agencies to avoid shunting costs or responsibility.
Commissioning shouldn’t be a reactive, purchasing role. Instead, it must ensure that services are shaped by long term plans. Also, people who use the services and their families should have an active role in shaping them.
You can read Jonathan’s views in full on the Voiceability website.