ACT Secures Safeguarding Adults in Sport Funding from Sport England

ACT is pleased to announce that the recent submission to Sport England has been successful.

The continued funding of the Safeguarding Adults in Sport work will enable ACT to build on the work that has already begun with sport and activity organisations.

ACT’s CEO, Deborah Kitson, said, ‘We are delighted to receive further funding from Sport England. This will ensure that the safeguarding adults agenda becomes embedded within sport and activity across the country. ACT has been working with sport for many years and we are committed to ensuring that all adults have the opportunity to engage in sport and activity in a safe manner’.

As part of our on-going commitment to safeguarding adults in sport and activity we have been working with organisations to identify the best ways to provide information and guidance across the sector.

Safeguarding Adults in Sport and Activity Seminar 2017

Earlier this year we hosted the 2017 Safeguarding Adults in Sport and Activity Seminar, which brought together safeguarding adults champions and board members from clubs, organisations, County Sports Partnerships and National Governing Bodies from a range of sports across the country. The event included talks from a range of organisations such as British Rowing, Sport Engand and Suffolk Sport about how organisations were integrating safeguarding adults into their practices.

To keep up to date with the latest safeguarding adults in sports and activity events and news of the next Safeguarding Adults in Sport and Activity Seminar, sign up to our safeguarding adults in sport monthly email update.

Templates and Guidance

Working with Sport England, UK Sport and the Sport and Recreation Alliance we have also developed a range of resources and advice for clubs and sports organisations including basic safeguarding knowledge and awareness, guidance on where extra advice can be sought as well as guidance and templates for clubs and sports organisations to create or update their safeguarding adults policies and procedures.

Browse and download our safeguarding adults in sport resources or sign up to our safeguarding adults in sport monthly email update for the latest safeguarding adults in sport news and resources straight to your inbox.

Training, Help and Advice

Our Safeguarding Adults in Sport Manager, Nicola Dean, provides tailored safeguarding adults in sport training to organisations across the UK to help build awareness of safeguarding and to integrate it into practice. As experts in safeguarding, the team at ACT provide consultancy to help you improve the safeguarding within your organisation. We also provide safeguarding and welfare support at events, such as our recent partnership with the Special Olympics 2017.

If you have any questions about safeguarding adults in sport or would like to know more about how we can help your organisation, please get in touch with our Safeguarding Adults in Sport Manager, Nicola Dean at or call us on 0115 951 5400.