An open and honest chat about forced marriage.
Forced Marriage is a marriage without the consent of one or both parties.
Duress is also a factor. So forced marriage is:
- An abuse of human rights.
- A form of domestic violence.
- A form of violence against men and women.
- Against the law.
Forced marriage of people with learning disabilities often concerns the ability, or capacity, to consent. It also concerns the willingness to consent.
Research indicates that forced marriage of people with learning disabilities is likely to be vastly under reported. The motivators and consequences are also likely to be different from how forced marriage would usually present itself.
In this episode of Safeguarding Matters, Nicola talks to associate professor Rachel Clawson about the forced marriage of people with learning disabilities. They discuss why forced marriage might happen, and why people with learning disabilities are particularly at risk.
Listen below:
We also have lots of information and resources about forced marriage on our website. Find them here.