As part of our commitment to the Safer Social Sector Partnership* in connection with the National Lottery and NCVO, The Ann Craft Trust carried out a set of surveys that assessed Safeguarding understanding. The findings helped to ascertain the safeguarding resourcing needs within the voluntary sector, as perceived by service users themselves and those who support them.
The report summarises the findings from an on-line survey conducted during April and May 2019 which encouraged service users and people who support them to contribute to the development of safeguarding resources by telling us about their understandings of safeguarding, how they approach the issue of keeping themselves and others safe, whether they have received training to do so and what more could be done to support them to safeguard themselves and others.
In total 446 people who support service users in varying capacities engaged with a 16-question survey, comprising a mix of open and closed questions. The survey assessed the level of understanding about Safeguarding adults, whether the organisations had up to date policies in place and also asked for feedback on available resources. Suggestions for more online training and reference sheets were mentioned. New resources are now available here on our own site as well as through the NCVO Knowhow site.
Download the Summary of Findings from service providers survey here
In addition 47 service users also engaged with a 12-question survey, comprising open and closed questions about Safeguarding and their own understanding about keeping safe. To read the survey Summary of Findings from Service Users click here.
*The Safer Social Sector Partnership is coordinated by the National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO). It involves 13 national umbrella bodies and organisations. They share their skills, knowledge and experience so that all voluntary organisations can be a safe place for beneficiaries, volunteers and staff.