The Ann Craft Trust and Disability Sport Wales discuss how creating an inclusive Culture within your organisation can help achieve best practice in safeguarding.
Taking part in this podcast:
- Nicola Dean – Safeguarding Adults in Sport Manager, Ann Craft Trust
- Ruth Ingram – Safeguarding Adults in Sport Manager for Wales, Ann Craft Trust
- Fiona Reid – CEO, Disability Sport Wales
- Nathan Stephens – Senior Performance Pathway Officer, Welfare and Safeguarding Lead, Disability Sport Wales
The group met following an online seminar that took place on Friday 3 December 2021: What Makes an Inclusive Culture? This event was part of the #SaferCultureSaferSport online seminar series.
What do we mean by an ‘inclusive Culture’ within an organisation? And what do organisations need to do to create safer, more inclusive cultures?
- Removing the labels: Are all people with impairments “vulnerable”?
- Permitting authenticity.
- A person-centred approach.
- Vulnerability vs Risk.
- What do we need to think about to get to an inclusive, safer culture?
Listen below: