Let us run a short sport and activity participation forum for your club or group

As part of our #SaferCultureSaferSport campaign, we’re encouraging sport and activity participants to have their say about what makes them feel safe.

We all have the right to take part in sport and activity safely.

Wellbeing should be at the heart of clubs and groups.

We want clubs and groups to listen to and act on feedback

We also want to listen and include the views of club members in the work we do.

The Importance of Listening

When you’re open to hearing and understanding concerns and issue , you’ll know how to create safer places for everyone – club members, volunteers and staff.

It will also help reinforce what makes sport and activity such an enjoyable experience.

By hearing about things that aren’t going so well, you’ll know what areas to work on to make improvements..

But it doesn’t have to all be negative! Take the time to listen and you’ll also hear about what is working.
You’ll find out what makes your sport or activity a safe and enjoyable environment that people want to return to.


How Can You Get Involved?

Let us run a short sport and activity participation forum for your club or group.

We can run it in person or online – whatever works best for you.

Where safeguarding is a priority, and all concerns are taken seriously, people are more likely to feel confident to speak out or question the behaviour of others. So raising awareness is key.

We are happy to ask our set questions to your group face to face, and any data we gather is always anonymous. Or we can run the sessions remotely, via Zoom.

We will ensure our time spent with you is engaging, informative and fun!

We hope to see as many of you as possible.

Send the participant questionnaire out to club members.

Host a Sport Participation Workshop at Your Club or Group

We have a short podcast in which we discuss how these podcasts work, and the sort of positive outcomes they can produce. Listen to it here.

If this sounds like something you’d like to do at your club, get in touch!

Contact the ACT Sport team and start listening!