Safeguarding disabled children, young people and families.
Reaching out, adapting and making a difference to children, young people and families during covid-19.
Join us for a free online safeguarding seminar to discuss how services for disabled young people and families are evolving and have changed how they are working during the Covid-19 crisis.
This is the third in a series of dedicated online seminars. It will look at what parents, carers, practitioners, children and young people are saying about their experiences during the Covid crisis.
The seminar will focus on how different services for disabled children, young people and families are responding. It will explore what families have said about how they are managing and how services are supporting them. We will reflect on key issues and explore early learning so far about how best to support families and young people going forward.
How are services reaching out, adapting and making a difference to children, young people and families during Covid-19?
One of our Safeguarding Specialists will lead this discussion with a specially prepared presentation. There’ll then be time for questions.
The whole session should take around 45 minutes. The seminar is free to join. Just register for your place below, and we’ll be in touch with instructions on how to join.
The seminar will take place via Microsoft Teams.
Safeguarding in Challenging Times: Reaching out, adapting and making a difference to children, young people and families during Covid-19.
Online Seminar
11.00 am – 12.00 pm
Thursday 28 May 2020
What Other Safeguarding Issues Can We Talk About?
Changes in legislation and the current lockdown will pose a challenge for any safeguarding champion. Every Wednesday we will host a dedicated safeguarding hour on Twitter. This is an opportunity to ask questions and get the support from the wider safeguarding community online.
To join in, just use the hashtag #ACTSafeguardingHour.
ACT Safeguarding Hour
Join us 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm
Every Wednesday.
Tag your question with #ACTSafeguardingHour