We need you! Help us develop best practice in safeguarding adults in sport.
We’re interested in talking to anyone participating in sports or activity at a grassroots, semi-professional, professional or elite level.
Join us to share your experiences about what is working well, and what could be improved, in relation to safeguarding and sport.
What is Safeguarding?
“Safeguarding” refers to measures designed to protect the health, wellbeing and human rights of individuals.
What is Safeguarding in Sport?
In sport, safeguarding could relate to issues such as:
- Adult athletes sharing changing rooms with children or those of the opposite sex.
- Players struggling with their mental health because of sexist or racist chanting on the side-lines.
- Listen to Olympic athlete Charlotte Gilmartin discussing how the constant pressure to be your best in elite sport can contradict the principles of safeguarding.
- Safeguarding is not just about sport participants, but spectators to. In some instances, parents have been removed from competitions when they have behaved poorly and banned from attending training.
- Participants in previous forums have highlighted the importance of safeguarding leads being visible in sports clubs- being more than just a name and/or a number on a poster or info sheet.
What will the forum involve?
We will discuss how sport could be safer for all.
We will then hand over to you to discuss topics such as:
- What does safeguarding mean to you?
- What can individuals, clubs, and organisations do to keep people safe?
- What are the possible safeguarding risks in sport?
We are interested to hear about YOUR experiences to explore good practice and areas where safeguarding in sport could be improved to widen participation for all.
How will information from the forum be used?
- Discussions will be fed-back anonymously to Sport England
- Your experiences will be used to inspire change in relation to safeguarding in sport
- Your views will be listened to in a safe and supportive environment
- The session will be recorded for internal purposes only to support with developing safeguarding provision. The recordings will not be shared with anyone other than the forum team and transcripts will be anonymised.
How can you get involved?
When: Monday 27 July 2020
Times: 14.00 – 15.00
Where: Online.
It’s free to attend this online forum, but as we’ve limited places, please book your place by completing the form below.
Book Your Place
To book your place at our online sport participation forum, fill in the form below.
If you can’t wait to share your thoughts, you can still have your say!
We have two surveys – one for sports participants, and one for staff.
- Head here to take the the online SPORTS PARTICIPANT survey.
- Head here to take the online STAFF survey.
We can also send you a paper copy of the survey, and we have easy-read formats available too. Get in touch to request a physical copy.
What Other Safeguarding Issues Can We Talk About?
Every Wednesday we will host a dedicated safeguarding hour on Twitter. This is an opportunity to ask questions and get the support from the wider safeguarding community online.
To join in, just use the hashtag #ACTSafeguardingHour.
ACT Safeguarding Hour
Join us 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm
Every Wednesday.
Tag your question with #ACTSafeguardingHour