Putting Policy and Procedures into Practice within Sport and Activity: CPD Case Study Session- April 2025

Where is it?


When is it?

Wednesday, 9th April, 2025

Safeguarding Adults in Sport & Activity in England: Advanced Training for Safeguarding Leads

Putting Policy and Procedures into Practice within Sport and Activity

Using group discussion and case study scenarios, this session is designed to be an extension of the third module in the Safeguarding Adults in Sport Level 3 training course- Putting Policy and Procedures into Practice.

Who is this session for?

Lead Safeguarding Officers and Deputies in NGBs and Active Partnerships in England and those in activity settings with responsibility for receiving and acting on safeguarding adult concerns,

Prior learning

You must have completed ACT Safeguarding Adults in Sport and Activity Advanced (Level 3) training prior to attending the CPD session.

If you have not yet completed the Advanced training course, there is still plenty time to complete it before booking onto a CPD session later in the year.

Aim of the session

To offer you the opportunity to engage in continual professional development to increase your application of knowledge and understanding in Safeguarding Adults in sport and activity.

Learning Objectives:

  • Increase your confidence in how to respond to safeguarding adult concerns.
  • Develop your practical application of policy and procedures in a safe, confidential and supportive environment.
  • Reinforce your understanding, role and responsibilities when receiving and responding to safeguarding adult concerns and making safeguarding adult referrals to the Local Authority.
  • Identify any gaps and actions you may need to take away with you to improve safeguarding adult practice – through Personal Goal Setting.

This session will explore:

How to put your policies and procedures into practice using case studies;

  • How you feel about specific scenarios
  • The issues that you need to consider
  • The actions you may need to take

In addition, there will be the opportunity for you to bring examples of (anonymous) scenarios you have managed or are in the process of managing in order to share and discuss your learning or seek the groups input.  The session will be predominantly group work based and attendees will be asked to actively engage in the session as much as possible.

Time & Cost

The training will take place in a 2 hour online session – 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm on Wednesday 9 April 2025.

The course is free for Sport England, UK Sport funded NGBs, Active Partnerships in England and LSO Forum Members of the Wider Sport and Activity Sector.

For any non-funded organisations wanting to attend, there is a charge of £40.

Book Your Place Here

(If you are an organisation based in Wales and are interested in an equivalent session being organised based on Welsh legislation please contact

Cancellation Policy: If you notify us within 28 days of the course start that you cannot attend, you will not be charged. If you provide less than 28 days notice or do not attend on the day, you will be charged the full course fee. If you are unable to attend, please feel free to nominate a colleague from your organisation, emailing their name and email address 48 hours before the start of the event to ann-craft-trust@nottingham.ac.uk.